

From digital to real: Red Onion with Caffè Aiello has created a digital experience that has brought the Chicco d'oro into the hands of Alessandro Borghi.

The world of cinema has always told stories of magic and enchantment, but this time it was digital magic that came into the picture. Red Onion, a digital production agency in Southern Italy, has put in place an operation that made it possible, on 23 September, to present the prestigious "Chicco d'Oro" award to the actor Alessandro Borghi.

All this has been achieved thanks to two happy marriages: one is the one that has lasted for 16 years between Red Onion, a digital production laboratory, and Caffè Aiello, an artisan roasting company with a strong vocation for innovation, the other is the one sanctioned a decade ago between Caffè Aiello and the cinema that has brought the brand to Venice on several occasions, Berlin and Cannes as the official café of the international festivals dedicated to the Seventh Art.

In the past, the award has been given to numerous national and international film stars, including Riccardo Scamarcio, Vincenzo Salemme, Massimo Ranieri, Alessandro Preziosi, James Franco and Paolo Sorrentino.

This year, thanks to the initiative put in place by Red Onion, from 15 to 22 September, cinema and coffee enthusiasts were able to vote, through the voting system active on a dedicated page of the official website, their favorite film among five titles in the competition, receiving a discount coupon valid on the store.

The initiative was promoted on the company's institutional channels and through social ads and email marketing on its userbase.

The five films in competition were the protagonists of the tenth edition of the Primavera del Cinema Italiano, an event of which Caffè Aiello has always been a partner: "Nostalgia", "The Lord of the Ants", "Esterno notte", "La Stranezza", "Le otto montagne".

After a head-to-head with "Lord of the Ants", the winner of the web poll was "The Eight Mountains".

Guerino Aiello, co-owner of Caffè Aiello, personally presented the "Chicco d'Oro" to the actor Alessandro Borghi, who gratefully accepted the award.

Red Onion and Caffè Aiello have been working together successfully since 2007. This decades-long partnership has given rise to many creative initiatives. On this occasion, they demonstrated together that cinema, by embracing the digital world, can offer an unusual experience to the audience that goes from being a spectator to becoming a jury.

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