

Red Onion together with Molino Vigevano and Sustenia in the anti-waste initiative: the #ChiediLaMoViBag campaign kicks off

In Partnership with the Sustainable Development and Marketing Agency Sustenia that conceived the initiative, Red Onion is at the alongside Molino Vigevano in the anti-waste omnichannel project #ChiediLaMoViBag. The initiative aims to combat food waste spreading the use of the MoVi Bag, Molino Vigevano's doggy bag.

Red Onion he signs the creative concept and the design of the supports used for Promote the project: landing page, post social media, animated videos and the kit for catering activities, which includes MoVi Bag, window sticker and rider.

The concept is focused on the goal of subverting the mechanism that pushes us to desist from asking for the doggy bag at the restaurant, often linked to embarrassment. The key identified is the evocation of luxury: the superfluous becomes the a means to highlight what is indispensable today. A concept enclosed in the claim "Wasting is a luxury we can no longer afford".

Offline media for the anti-waste project by Molino Vigevano

Not only that practical, but also beautiful: the packaging of the MoVi Bag has been designed to decline the creative concept visually recalling the luxury bags of some of the leading brands in the industry.

In addition to the doggy bag, we have designed the other components of Molino's anti-waste kit Vigevano: the window sticker shows the shape of the MoVi Bag, so as to involve the consumer as soon as they enter the restaurant, while the rider includes key visual and claim of the initiative along with a QR code which allows patrons to learn more about the landing.

Digital materials for the Social media campaign

for contribute to giving visibility to the #ChiediLaMoViBag project, we have created a landing page. Designed according to the latest web design trends, The One Page site has been structured both to give in-depth information on the subject and on the initiative, and to promote the participation of the establishments that use Molino Vigevano flours.

The campaign social media is made up of static posts, designed to launch the project and keep the attention alive over time, and by an animated video that introduces the topic and aims to raise awareness among professional and consumer targets.

Project ideation: Filippo Sciacca (CEO and founder, Sustenia).
Sustainability Client Director: Daria D'Angelo (Sustenia).
Project Manager: Caterina Puccio (Red Onion).
Concept Designer, Copywriter: Giuseppe Di Palma (Red Onion).
Art Director: Laura Murrone (Red Onion).
Video Animator: Gustavo Garrafa (Red Onion).
Digital developer: Augusto Amoroso and Caterina Iaropoli (Red Onion).